Community-based Senior Serving Sector Research

In spring of 2023 Community Links and IONS (Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia) partnered to conduct research to identify the strengths, needs, and opportunities for community-based senior serving (CBSS) groups and organizations across the province focused on or including older adults (55+). 

  • Conducted a province-wide survey, 20+ interviews & focus groups and hosted eight community events.  

  • Learned about the many contributions of senior serving community organizations across Nova Scotia, as well as their challenges.  

  • Will be using this information to find new ways to collaborate, share information and build a stronger CBSS sector. 

To learn more, check out our What We Heard report and infographics:

What We Heard Report (2023)
What We Heard Infographics (2023)

This research was funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors and Long-term Care. 

The community-based senior serving (CBSS) sector captures the diverse group of community-based clubs, groups, and organizations that serve older adults as part of their mandate.  As part of our research, we: