Age Friendly in Focus:
Understanding access and inclusion for older adults in the built environment.

In November 2021, Community Links partnered with the PEACH Research Unit at Dalhousie University to engage virtually and in-person with communities across Nova Scotia.  

The PEACH (Planning for Equity, Accessibility, and Community Health) Research Unit at Dalhousie University’s School of Planning, leads and supports projects exploring how planning can better achieve more equitable, accessible, and healthy communities. 

Community Links worked in collaboration with the PEACH Research team to engage with community members (ages 60+) in Nova Scotia who shared valuable insight to better describe the accessible design needs of older adults in the neighborhood-built environment. 

During these engagement sessions, participants had the opportunity to share their input, experiences and stories. A graphic recorder captured the conversations, and these powerful visuals are presented in our photobook. 

Download a PDF copy of Age-Friendly in Focus or get in touch for more information on the project.